HAG looking to tap international market

As international bond markets recover after the 2008 global financial crisis, Hoang Anh Gia Lai group is looking to benefit from attractive borrowing costs.
hoang anh gia lai takes big steps forward

Hoang Anh Gia Lai takes big steps forward

Hoang Anh Gia Lai, one of Vietnam’s leading private economic groups based in the Central Highlands Gia Lai province’s Pleiku city, has marked an important milestone this year by the restructuring its business systems and setting up affiliates in key business fields.
haphazard financial reports have burnt many investors interests

Haphazard financial reports have burnt many investors Interests

Several listed firms including Vietinbank, Quoc Cuong Gia Lai and Tribeco have released low earnings in their earlier un-audited financial reports, but later revised up their numbers with surprisingly high profits.

Hoang Anh Gia Lai is in the hunt for answers

Accusing the committee was not a move to get compensation or recover our property. We only would like to lesson irresponsible official-duty performers and it could be a mirror for other developers impacted upon by the official-duty workers

Property firms add to increasing share glut

Over 70 million shares of two real estate companies CotecLand and Quoc Cuong Gia Lai made their debut on the local stock market this week amidst increasing oversupply fears.