2024 a year of resilience for vietnam bank for social policies

2024 a year of resilience for Vietnam Bank for Social Policies

Leveraging leadership of central government, and active support from ministries, sectors, and local authorities, Vietnam Bank for Social Policies (VBSP) fulfilled its assigned tasks in 2024, affirming its key role in supporting socioeconomic development, sustainable poverty reduction, and rural development, despite a challenging environment.
moc chaus poverty rates reduced through social lending programmes

Moc Chau's poverty rates reduced through social lending programmes

Social lending programmes have played a crucial role in successfully implementing economic development schemes, building new rural areas, and ensuring sustainable poverty reduction in Moc Chau over the past 22 years.
improving the effectiveness of social policy credit

Improving the effectiveness of social policy credit

Following a decade of implementation, social policy credit is expected to enter a new phase of development to achieve higher efficiency for the sake of society and the community.
policy credit a boon to yen bai residents in the wake of typhoon yagi

Policy credit a boon to Yen Bai residents in the wake of Typhoon Yagi

Yen Bai province suffered some of the most significant damage from Typhoon Yagi in September, with heavy rainfall and floods. In response, Vietnam Bank for Social Policies (VBSP) has stepped up the pace of policy credit allocation to affected areas in the locality.
vietnam bank for social policies scales up support in aftermath of typhoon yagi

Vietnam Bank for Social Policies scales up support in aftermath of Typhoon Yagi

Vietnam Bank for Social Policies (VBSP) has announced it will suspend interest payments for borrowers affected by Typhoon Yagi and the subsequent flooding until December 31.
policy credit has been the catalyst for poverty reduction in gia lai

Policy credit has been the catalyst for poverty reduction in Gia Lai

In the past decade, nearly $20 billion in policy credit from Vietnam Bank for Social Policies (VBSP) in Chu Se district in Gia Lai province has supported needy households and other policy beneficiaries, sparking spectacular changes in the plateau.
policy credit delivers results in danang

Policy credit delivers results in Danang

Following the implementation of new strengthening measures, policy credit sources have led to considerable improvements in the quality of life of people in need in the central city of Danang.
vbsp to focus on credit growth targets

VBSP to focus on credit growth targets

The Vietnam Bank for Social Policies, (VBSP), has ensured the safe and efficient implementation of all tasks assigned by the Party and state in the first six months of this year.
quang ngai harvests upbeat results via policy credit sources

Quang Ngai harvests upbeat results via policy credit sources

The central province of Quang Ngai has yielded inspiring results after a decade-long deployment of a directive on strengthening the Party's role in policy credit implementation.
policy credit brings facelift to kien giang

Policy credit brings facelift to Kien Giang

Kien Giang’s countryside has a new face, with people's lives constantly improving and a sharp decline in the rate of needy households across the province.
vbsp creating equal opportunities for poverty stricken families

VBSP creating equal opportunities for poverty-stricken families

Along with economic growth, the government is paying attention to poverty reduction and creates equal opportunities for the poor and disadvantaged people to access resources, including policy credit. Among them, Vietnam Bank for Social Policies (VBSP) has made efforts to increase such people's access to policy credit to improve their lives.
policy credit improves the quality of life on ly son

Policy credit improves the quality of life on Ly Son

Thanks to Vietnam Bank for Social Policies' (VBSP) lending schemes for disadvantaged areas, many households on the island of Ly Son in Quang Ngai province have capital to invest in activities such as seafood farming, animal husbandry, farming, shops, and homestay services. As a result, the lives of many on the island have drastically changed for the better.
vbsps 21 year development journey of seeding hopes and aspirations

VBSP's 21-year development journey of seeding hopes and aspirations

A companion of the Vietnam Bank for Social Policies (VBSP) over the past over two decades has brought a fresh mindset to economic development, helping many needy households to sustainably escape from poverty.
new rating agency approval shores up credit confidence

New rating agency approval shores up credit confidence

Vietnam’s corporate bond market is set for a transformative leap with the entrance of a new credit rating agency, paving the way for renewed confidence and alignment with global standards.
hung yen ensures development through social welfare

Hung Yen ensures development through social welfare

A raft of innovative policies geared towards poverty reduction, such as low-interest loan provision and utilities support across diverse fields like education and healthcare, have been rolled out for poor households in Hung Yen province in the past year.