fiscal measures to be based on upcoming us status

Fiscal measures to be based on upcoming US status

The financial world continues to prepare for a new US administration next month. Standard Chartered Vietnam’s CEO and head of Banking & Coverage Nguyen Thuy Hanh explained to VIR’s Hong Dung the effects of a USD rally and gold price dynamics on economic growth.
esg implementation spurs bank progress

ESG implementation spurs bank progress

The Vietnamese banking sector recognises its role in leading environmental, social, and governance efforts, driving sustainable investment flows, and setting new standards for its clients.
year end credit growth driven by industrial sector

Year-end credit growth driven by industrial sector

The stock, banking, and investment markets are awaiting the release of third-quarter financial reports, with corporate lending banks expected to show strong growth in Q4, while consumer lending banks may continue to face hurdles.
assessing vietnams development landscape through 2024

Assessing Vietnam’s development landscape through 2024

Nguyen Thuy Hanh, Standard Chartered Vietnam’s CEO and head of Banking and Coverage, delves into Vietnam’s development this year.
banks change investment portfolios for higher efficiency in h1

Banks change investment portfolios for higher efficiency in H1

Banking consultant Le Hoai An, founder of Integrated Financial Solutions JSC, spoke with VIR’s Hong Dung about what banks were doing with their investment portfolios to optimise business efficiency in the first half of 2024.
sbv offers fresh catalyst for growth

SBV offers fresh catalyst for growth

The State Bank of Vietnam’s efforts to lower interbank interest rates and increase credit limits for banks will provide additional momentum for growth, with economic recovery pace being crucial to sustaining credit demand.
the prospects for foreign exhange market for rest of 2024

The prospects for foreign exhange market for rest of 2024

Economist Le Xuan Nghia talked to Hong Dung about the forex market's prospects for the rest of this year and looks at how to bolster liquidity for sustainable economic development.
casa ratio assessment for first half of 2024

CASA ratio assessment for first half of 2024

Vietnam's current account saving account (CASA) is on a robust recovery path. Banking consultant Le Hoai An, founder of Integrated Financial Solutions Joint Stock Company spoke with VIR’s Hong Dung about the factors driving the recovery.
strong institutions shield emerging markets from us monetary shocks

Strong institutions shield emerging markets from US monetary shocks

Economists Donghyun Park and Irfan A. Qureshi from Asian Development Bank (ADB) delve into the factors helping emerging markets to ensure long-term financial stability and foster sustained economic growth amidst the challenges posed by global financial fluctuations.
assessment of non performing loans so far in 2024

Assessment of non-performing loans so far in 2024

The non-performing loan (NPL) ratio reached nearly 5 per cent at the end of May. Le Hoai An, a banking consultant and trainer at Integrated Financial Solutions, talked with VIR’s Hong Dung the assessment of NPLs in the first half of 2024.
the aspects behind finance and banking in vietnam today

The aspects behind finance and banking in Vietnam today

Pramoth Rajendran, head of Wealth and Personal Banking at HSBC Vietnam, scrutinises credit situation, the factors behind and solutions in Vietnam’s current finance-banking scene, weighing on Vietnam’s growth prospects in 2024 and HSBC’s recent efforts to best serve its customers.
adjustments may be necessary for near term gains

Adjustments may be necessary for near-term gains

Financial institutions are generally cautious about Vietnam’s economy in the near term, but expect a clearer recovery later this year. CEO of Standard Chartered Bank (Vietnam) Michele Wee spoke with VIR’s Hong Dung about concerns on Vietnam’s monetary policy.
banks remain wary of low credit growth

Banks remain wary of low credit growth

Overall weak credit demand in the market, with consumption growth still sluggish, is causing banks that do not meet their credit growth targets to have quotas proactively transferred by the State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) to banks with better capabilities.
businesses wary of rising deposit rates

Businesses wary of rising deposit rates

Although deposit interest rates are increasing, lending rates will remain at current levels as regulatory bodies and commercial banks strive to support businesses in accessing capital.
central bank targets ongoing price control of gold market

Central bank targets ongoing price control of gold market

Unprecedented measures are being taken to ensure effective management of the domestic gold market and narrow the gap with the global market.