taxes eased to boost business goals

Taxes eased to boost business goals

The government will reduce corporate income tax in 2013 to encourage investment and strengthen the economy’s competitiveness.
big names face tax scrutiny

Big names face tax scrutiny

Big-name foreign companies such as Adidas, Coca-Cola and PepsiCo are facing scrutiny from local tax authorities on transfer pricing possibility in Vietnam.
unilever vietnam reports sustainable living plan progress

Unilever Vietnam reports Sustainable Living Plan progress

Unilever Vietnam has announced the first year update on the progress of Unilever Sustainable Living Plan in Vietnam in Hanoi.
vietnam hosts its first east asia conference for financial stability

Vietnam hosts its first East Asia conference for financial stability

A conference for East Asia’s financial stability was held for the first time in Vietnam on November 27-28 in Hanoi.
pit law to help under pressure workers

PIT Law to help under pressure workers

Taxpayers with a monthly income of VND9 million will no longer be subject to personal income tax.
paid up enjoy a tax holiday

Paid up?  Enjoy a tax holiday

Enterprises without overdue tax debts will continue to enjoy a tax grace period.  
vehicle dispute leaves firms on a collision course

Vehicle dispute leaves firms on a collision course

Wholly Taiwanese-backed Chailease International Leasing and a private Vietnamese company are embroiled in a legal dispute related to a finance lease agreement for five vehicles.
saving firms still a taxing matter

Saving firms still a taxing matter

Tax reduction and exemptions are seen as the only way to save struggling businesses as tax extensions fail to do the job.
lowly paid workers to escape pit

Lowly paid workers to escape PIT

The latest proposal to revise the Personal Income Tax law has just been submitted to the National Assembly, with taxpayers with an income of VND9 million per month will no longer have to pay tax.
firms need tax grace

Firms need tax grace

National Assembly members are expressing fears that the removal of tax grace period in the draft revised Law on Tax Administration will put additional financial burdens on enterprises already facing many difficulties.
tax debt wave could still hit silver shores

Tax debt wave could still hit Silver Shores

Prospect for the US-backed resort developer Silver Shores to overturn the Ministry of Finance’s determination on its huge tax duty remains dim.
firms to get vat extension

Firms to get VAT extension

Some small fry and labour-intensive businesses will continue enjoying a three-month value added tax extension.
banks npls still an elephant in the room

Banks’ NPLs still an elephant in the room

The banking system’s accumulation of bad debt and the transparency of inspection results of credit institutions have become a hot topic of discussion. Truong Ngoc Anh, chief of the Secretariat of the Banking Supervisory Agency, shares his views with VIR’s Nguyen Trang.
policy changes irk foreign firms

Policy changes irk foreign firms

Some foreign-invested enterprises are worried about changes to investment incentive policies.
cautious roll of dice

Cautious roll of dice

Most lawmakers support the issuance of a specialised decree on prize-wining gaming services, but want to tighten conditions for opening a gaming service facility to minimise impacts on society.