worker efficiency must make a leap

Worker efficiency must make a leap

With Vietnam trying to find ways to boost its growth, further improvements in labour productivity are considered one of the key factors for reaching the goal. Thanh Thu reports.
us firms upbeat over vietnam prospects

US firms upbeat over Vietnam prospects

In the context of the new US administration finding ways to encourage American firms to return to the US, many  will continue with their plans to invest in Vietnam, where they see sunny days ahead in the local investment and business climate. VIR’s Thanh Thu reports.
local innovations attract global fdi

Local innovations attract global FDI

In order to attract more foreign investment, many Vietnamese localities are going above and beyond the central government’s investment incentives. And their ideas seem to be working. Thanh Thu reports.
solar sector waits on fit power up

Solar sector waits on FiT power-up

As Vietnam looks to raise the nation’s renewable energy sources, foreign investors are sensing an opportunity for solar energy projects. But low feed-in-tariffs are slowing this movement, to the dismay of both local and international organisations. Thanh Thu reports.
vietnam tempts foodstuff firms

Vietnam tempts foodstuff firms

Vietnam’s growing demand for safe agricultural and foodstuff products is proving attractive to Singaporean enterprises. Thanh Thu reports.
trio of expos spur innovation in trade

Trio of expos spur innovation in trade

Enterprises descended upon Hanoi’s International Centre for Exhibition in huge numbers for the 2015 instalments of “The 6th Vietnam-Japan Exhibition on Supporting Industries in Hanoi”, the “Vietnam Manufacturing Expo” and the “Industrial Components & Subcontracting Vietnam” events organised by ASEAN’s leading exhibition organiser Reed Tradex. Thanh Thu reports.
partners build upon long standing friendship

Partners build upon long-standing friendship

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong’s September 15-18 official visit to Japan has helped further solidify the two countries’ extensive strategic partnership, with new pledges made across many sectors. Thanh Thu reports.
unilevers germ free toilet journey highlights remarkable success

Unilever’s germ-free toilet journey highlights remarkable success

Unilever, one of the world’s leading fast moving consumer goods corporations, has been fruitfully deploying its Germ-Free Toilet Journey Programme in Vietnam to help improve the sanitary conditions of millions of people. Thanh Thu reports.
trailblazing dairy production

Trailblazing dairy production

Locally-owned fresh milk producer TH Milk Food Joint Stock Company has been fuelling Vietnam in building a fresh milk and dairy production industry based on the use of high technology. Thanh Thu reports.
legendary general laid to rest

Legendary general laid to rest

Vietnam’s world-famous military genius Vo Nguyen Giap has been laid to rest following an extensive state funeral. His position as a pivotal figure in 20th century geo-politics and military history remains globally admired.
foreign investors yet to take root

Foreign investors yet to take root

Although the Red River Delta is an attractive venue for drawing foreign investors in livestock sector, there appears to be an urgent need for better incentives to lure more overseas capital, as VIR’s Thanh Thu reports.